Friday, 4 April 2014

Evaluation | Technology

We used a few pieces of technology in the making of our film, the main ones being the camera, tripod and computer software used in editing our scene. The camera was a simple model, small and handheld but still maintaining a high quality. The camera helped me to learn more about positioning of the camera in relation to the shots you want to achieve. It is not just about pointing the camera in the right direction but also about balancing the shot so it was level. The fact we filmed our scene in a location with such uneven ground meant this was crucial to making the shots look good. The tripod was obviously also a big help in achieving this balance of shots.

The software we used in editing was Adobe Premier Elements 10. To start with the program was quite difficult to use but after a while using it it became easier to use and deal with problems that arose. It was maybe not the best possible editing software we could have used but it did the job we needed it to. I now feel much more knowledgeable and experienced in not only using this software but in editing a film in general. We also used other simple programs such as Microsoft Paint to create titles and production logos.

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