Tuesday 12 November 2013


Our main character will be wearing a suit and tie outfit for our opening scene. This is to give the character an air of professionalism and show him to be of some importance in whatever he does. The briefcase prop will also let the audience know that this character is working in underhand activities and suggest he works within the government. The suit and tie should help to reinforce this imagery. He will also be wearing well-polished leather shoes to show the character is meticulous and thorough, which also connotes power and control. This will be contrasted heavily by the end of our opening scene, where the main character of the scene has been beaten by the villain and is killed in the mud. The way this character has been shown to be powerful only to be beaten by our villain only shows how powerful our villain is. If we can, we'd like to reinforce this imagery by having a shot early on of the polished shoes, then contrast this at the end of our opening scene with a similar shot, only showing the shoes dirty and caked in mud.

Our villain will be wearing an all black costume. Black trainers, black jeans, and a black jacket will make sure the villain is always associated with darkness, which has connotations of evil. He'll also be wearing a ripped balaclava, which covers only the lower half of his face. This makes him seem more dangerous, as the audience can see he wants to cover his face in order to protect his identity. The fact the balaclava only covers the lower half of his face shows this character must be in danger a lot as his clothing is ripped. The all black costume also ties in with the part of our scene where our villain is hiding in the shadows, spying on the main character.

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